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Britpop celebration gig

LIPA Sixth Form College (LSFC) students have done their bit to ensure Britpop lives on with a celebration of the music in Liverpool ONE.
The free gig, on Tuesday 28 January, marked the 25th anniversary of the musical movement being at its peak in the mid-90s, with LSFC students performing songs by Blur, Oasis and Liverpool band Cast, among many others.
The gig followed LSFC students' staging a celebration gig last year in Liverpool ONE to mark the 50th anniversary of The Beatles’ iconic rooftop performance, the band’s last live gig.
Brian Campbell, music lecturer at LSFC, said that show was such a highlight for the students that they wanted to do something similar this year: “We chose Britpop because it put British music back on the world map and launched the careers of a number of bands.
“Learning to perform songs from the period has been an enlightening and informative experience for the students. Preparing to play them live in a public space has developed their practical skills and their understanding of working with professional companies like Liverpool ONE.”
Music student Jenuelle Na-Oy was one of those performing. She said the music has aged well, but it had been a challenge. “There’s a lot of angst you have to bring out in some of the songs. Replicating that emotion is difficult, but as a band we’re getting there. I’ll be excited to see the reactions of the public when they hear our varied set.”
The gig took place on the Odeon concourse in Liverpool ONE, and ran from 11am until 3.30pm. The musicians were supported by Technical Theatre and Design students and with additional performances by Dance students. Students collected donations on the day for the Make A Wish Foundation.